The PSY Record Label Launch Party. The night that deepened my love for photography, circa 2021.

It’s always good to see people come together for a good time and celebrate massive achievements like PSY launching their record label, PSY SOUND.

At the time, I had only been shooting for about 6 or 7 months. I felt I had to prove to others that I could shoot anything. That’s when my homie, The Lost Youth, invited me to this event, and to this day, these are some of my favorite pictures to date.

It happened to be my first event as a photographer and my first punk rock show. I had no idea what to expect from both perspectives, but I had a great time nonetheless.

This night deepened my love of photography because it showed me how much energy and memories photos can hold. I remember telling everyone about my experiences and how excited I was to shoot something on this caliber.

Shoutout to PSY Sound for having me.


Portraits of the Homies. Vol. V