Portraits of the Homies. Vol. IV: A Day in the Park

Days before the shoot, The Homie Adam asked me what the mission of Portraits of the Homies was. I told him and, quote, “Just grabbing some portraits of the homies lmao tbh. Nothing more than that. I want my homies to have memories of this time in their lives with a picture cause they last forever”.

Portraits of the Homies. Vol. I started with the portraits of 11 of my closest friends. Fast forward to summer 23’, Portraits of the Homies. Vol. IV had 27 of my closest Homies involved. The shoot took five hours, and every second of it was worth it.

It is also worth noting that I decided to add a few different photos this time around to keep it fresh. I hope you enjoy it regardless of these changes.


Portraits. *


Black Beauty Near You.